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How FindVerified Works for Professionals

FindVerified is a platform that connects you with the best professionals for your needs.
Using FindVerified is simple and easy. Here’s how it works:

1. Signup
Create a free account
You can Sign Up for FREE using invitation url you recieved from us or by typing invite code in the signup form. Once you have created your account, you will need to complete onboarding by filling out your profile information. After compliting onboarding, you will be verified and your account will be activated.
Sign Up
Singup form
2. Add Public Business Profile
Create one or multiple business profiles
Once you have created your account, you can create a business profile by clicking on the Add Business Profile button on the dashboard or by clicking on the Manage Business in the navigation bar. This allows you to add your business details, contact information, and more. Just follow the steps, click info button on each step to learn more about it.
Business profile form
3. Add Skills
Add skills to your business profile
Once you have created your business profile, you can add skills to it. Click Skills button
next to your business name to add skills to your business. If you have multiple businesses, you can add skills to each of them.
Skill form
4. Add Testimonials
Add testimonials to your business profile
Once you have created your business profile, you can add testimonials to it. Click Testimonials button
next to your business name to add testimonials to your business. If you have multiple businesses, you can add testimonials to each of them.
Testimonial form
5. Preview
Preview your business profile
Once you have created your business profile, you can preview it by clicking on the Preview button
next to your business name.
Preview screenshot
6. Status
Make your business profile public
Once you have created your business profile, you can make it public by clicking on the
Publish button next to your business name.
Status change screenshot

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